Peter Moor Architekten ETH SIA

Cottages, Kerenzerberg

Relaxing on Kerenzerberg

The three cottages—simple, unpretentious wooden houses—offer a magnificent panoramic view of the Alps and Lake Walen. With their dark appearance, the two-story wood structures discreetly blend into the pristine landscape. A large living and dining room on the first floor and two to three spacious bedrooms on the upper floor form a balanced spatial structure. The infrastructure is concentrated in the compact backbone of the houses, which contain generous storage rooms with washer and dryer, a wardrobe, and an open kitchen with a fireplace. The latter simultaneously functions as a hollow outer wall leading upstairs, where closets and a carefully detailed bathroom invite immediate use of the house.

Client: Hotel Römerturm AG
Address: Filzbach
Procurement method: Direct selection
Planning: 2017
Execution: Pending
Visualizations: Nightnurse Images